
The main objective of this project is to increase awareness and stimulate interest in the experiences and history of early Chinese Canadian restaurateurs from the period of 1930 to 1960 using new media technologies such as websites, flash, video, and animation.

The inspiration for this project is derived from a history course I took regarding global food ways in which I had done some research into Chinese Canadian immigration and the significance of food in Chinese Canadian culture. Since this project is directly linked to studies in history, my area of academic pursuit; the topic can be combined effectively with new media to create an interactive and meaningful senior project.

This subject is also especially relevant to me personally since my family had once owned and operated a Chinese restaurant during the period in question. As one can see, this project will not only involve my academic studies, but also my own family history as Chinese immigrants to Canada as well.

While there have been some historical research done regarding Chinese Canadian food ways, the majority of which is limited to immigrant experiences and nothing further in details. Books, scholarly articles, photographs, cookbooks and interviews had been utilized to flesh out the project and its core content. This project will hope to shed more light on the subject and provide better understanding of what is was like to operate a Chinese restaurant during the 1960’s and the kinds of foods that would have been served.

All articles and writing on this project is the work of several months worth of research and development, hopefully you will come to enjoy reading it, as much as I had creating it. Props to Professor D. Bender at the University of Toronto at Scarborough, if it wasn't for your course, I would have never gained any interest in Food history and this project would have never came into being. Thank you for the inspiration. :)

-Matt Eng. 2008.


The experiences of Chinese Canadians is what I am emphasizing through this project.
